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Online Radio Streaming Mobile App - Live Streaming Android App

  • 07/16/2018 11:52:36
  • ID: 1849

Product Description

The Online Radio Streaming Mobile App has the large set and collections of the user preferable playlists from the channels, where the users can enjoy their music from their favorite channel, and the app is designed with best navigation user experience. The user can also record the song in our app by using the timer where the song is stored in mp3 format. The user can also share their music in social networking media like Facebook and Twitter etc, the user can select their favorite channel from the listings of channels and the user can also add the channel in the listing by using our app. This Live Streaming Android App has the admin functionality where the user management and application management are managed by the admin. The users can also rate the app in the Google play store by submitting the trustful feedback and ratings. The user can see the app name, version, mail id, contact number and history about the app.


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